Rabu, 09 April 2014

MH370 MAS...ADA DI KANDAHAR AFGHANISTAN...??>> SUATU CARA MEMBUAT BINGUNG MASYARAKAT INTERNASIONAL..?? >>> SPEKULASI TERSEBUT TIDAK MENJELASKAN... ?? SEJAK KAPAN PESAWAT JADI2AN MH 370 ADA DI KANDAHAR...??? DAN SIAPA BISA SEMBARANGAN MASUK AFGHANISTAN YANG SEDANG DILANDA PERANG DENGAN AMERIKA SERIKAT-NATO DKK.. MELAWAN THALIBAN...???>> KALAW-PUN BENER.. ADA DISANA.. HARUS DI TELITI... SEJAK KAPAN.. DAN DARI MANA... DAN SIAPA SAJA PENUMPANGNYA SELAIN PARA PENUMPANG MAS TERSEBUT...??? KONON SELAMAT SEMUANYA...???>> INILAH PERMAINAN KONSPIRASI.. UNTUK .MEMBUAT MASYARAKAT DUNIA BINGUNG... DAN KONON MEREKA SELALU MEMAINKAN BERITA2..DAN INFORMASI.. INI DEMI MEMBUAT ISSUE2 LAIN YANG DIRANCANG.. ITU SEMAKIN TERSELUBUNG...???>> TUNGGU KABAR DAN ISSUE BARU.. YANG INGIN MEREKA BUAT UNTUK MEMBUAT DUSTA2 BARU...??>> ....... ADA SEMACAM PERMAINAN KONSPIRASI DIBERBAGAI BIDANG-TERMASUK BAGAIMANA MENGATUR DAN MENEMPATKAN ORANG2 TERHORMAT MENJADI PEMAIN SEKALIGUS WASIT DALAM ARENA POLITIK DAN BADAN DUNIA.... NAMUN TETAP PADA JALUR AGENDA MEREKA DENGAN TANPA MALU.. MENGGUNAKAN CARA2 CULAS DAN BERSTANDAR GANDA...?? PADAHAL... ANGGOATA MEREKA SAJA BISA MARAH JIKA MEREKA MERASA DIRUGIKAN... KONON TIDAK SESUAI DENGAN STANDAR INTERNAL MEREKA SENDIRI..?? WASPADALAH ISSUE POLITIK DAN KRIMINAL KEMANUSIAAN MENJADI TREND POLITIK GLOBAL PARA PENJAJAHAH KRIMINAL GLOBAL.. DENGAN BERBAGAI CARA DAN GIMICK MEREKA..YANG CULAS...??>> ...... Had MH 370 crashed in the ocean, it would have left a huge, easily-visible debris field. Countries with satellite surveillance systems, and their partners, know exactly where the plane went. Boeing and its engine-manufacturer Rolls Royce also know, since planes and engines have GPS systems. (You can buy a GPS system for a little over $50 in the US; it would be naive to think a $320 million aircraft doesn’t have one.) Even the INMARSAT satellite “pings” that we have been told can only sweep a broad arc of possible locations could in reality be used to locate the aircraft with some precision, due to the fact that radio transmissions vary in signatures according to time of day, sunspots, and so on. The “hunt for the airliner” peddled to the mainstream media is clearly a charade. So what are all of the major players – both in governments and the aircraft industry – working so hard to hide?..>>>...Damaskus ingat bahwa 25 tahun lalu, di Taif, Brahimi bukanlah musuh Suriah. "Tapi, pilihan Kongres AS mendanai al-Qaeda dalam sebuah pertemuan rahasia, kurangnya legitimasi dan otoritas delegasi oposisi Suriah, pembatalan undangan PBB pada Iran di malam perundingan, serta keynote speech Menteri Luar Negeri John Kerry yang menumpuk seluruh tanggung jawab ke pundak Suriah, ditambah lagi ulah Uni Eropa menghalang-halangi secara fisik kepergian delegasi Suriah ke Swiss, menunjukkan bahwa Moskow salah perhitungan atau ditipu," ujar Meyssan....>>.......Namun, Fredrik Lindahl, bos di Flightradar24.com -sebuah laman penyedia layanan pelacakan pesawat yang tengah mengudara- menyebut MH370 menghilang dari radar pada pukul 01.19. Artinya, pesawat sudah tidak terdeteksi lagi kurang dari 40 menit setelah lepas landas di Kuala Lumpur. Tapi pihak MAS menegaskan, percakapan terakhir terakhir pilot MH370 dengan menara kontrol sekitar pukul 01.30. Sedangkan MH370 baru menghilang dari sistem kendali lalu lintas udara Subang pada pukul 02.40....>>>... Stasiun televisi Alalam (9/4) melaporkan, situs berita Rusia, MK.ru mengutip beberapa sumber intelijen mengklaim, pesawat Malaysia, MH370 yang dikabarkan hilang mendarat di dekat Kandahar, Afghanistan dan seluruh penumpangnya selamat. Tanpa menyebutkan sumber intelijen yang dimaksud, situs Rusia itu menulis, "Pesawat Malaysia, MH370 saat ini berada di dekat Kandahar dan walaupun salah satu sayapnya patah namun seluruh penumpangnya selamat."...>>> Diberitakan Express.co.uk, Senin (24/3/2014), perusahaan itu rupanya baru saja meluncurkan peralatan elektronik baru untuk sistem radar militer sebelum pesawat Boeing 777-200ER MAS menghilang. Peluncuran itu digelar di Amerika Serikat pada 3 Maret 2014. Dari 20 orang, 12 di antaranya adalah berasal dari Malaysia, sisanya dari China. "Mereka adalah orang-orang dengan latar belakang teknis yang berpengalaman dan mereka orang-orang penting," kata juru bicara Freescale, Mitch Haws. "Ini adalah kehilangan yang besar bagi perusahaan," sambungnya....>>> ..Spekulasi liar soal keberadaan 20 staf ini dan kemungkinan pembajakan di MH370 pun bermunculan. Terutama karena pesawat itu tak terdeteksi radar selama terbang berjam-jam ke arah Samudera Hindia. Apalagi Freescale sedang aktif mengembangkan chips untuk radar militer...>>

Situs Berita Rusia: Pesawat MH370 Ada di Afghanistan

Salah satu situs berita Rusia mengutip beberapa sumber keamanan mengklaim, pesawat Malaysia, MH370 mendarat di dekat Kandahar, Afghanistan dan seluruh penumpangnya selamat.

Stasiun televisi Alalam (9/4) melaporkan, situs berita Rusia, MK.ru mengutip beberapa sumber intelijen mengklaim, pesawat Malaysia, MH370 yang dikabarkan hilang mendarat di dekat Kandahar, Afghanistan dan seluruh penumpangnya selamat.
Tanpa menyebutkan sumber intelijen yang dimaksud, situs Rusia itu menulis, "Pesawat Malaysia, MH370 saat ini berada di dekat Kandahar dan walaupun salah satu sayapnya patah namun seluruh penumpangnya selamat."

Sumber itu menambahkan, "Beruntungnya seluruh penumpang selamat sekalipun kondisi sebagian dari mereka tidak begitu baik. Penumpang MH370 dibagi menjadi tujuh kelompok dan para teroris pembajak pesawat itu kemungkinan ingin melakukan negosiasi dengan Amerika Serikat atau Cina."
Organisasi penerbangan internasional mengatakan, pemerintah Thailand, India dan Pakistan pada 21 Maret lalu mengumumkan, pesawat Malaysia, MH370 tidak pernah melewati zona udaranya dan radar-radar mereka tidak pernah mendeteksi terbangnya pesawat Malaysia tersebut. (IRIB Indonesia/HS)

Ada `Konspirasi` Triliuner di Balik Hilangnya MH370?

  • Comments 3
  • Selasa, 01 April 2014 19:05

Elin Yunita Kristanti

Kelompok hacker Anonymous mengeluarkan video yang mengaitkan triliuner dengan hilangnya MH370. Sebatas isu?

Liputan6.com, Kuala Lumpur - Pesawat jumbo yang lenyap tanpa jejak, sistem komunikasi tiba-tiba putus, rute yang dialihkan di tengah jalan; apa yang terjadi pada Malaysia Airlines MH370 menjadi misteri besar yang tak kunjung terjawab.

Dalam situasi seperti ini, spekulasi pun bermunculan. Termasuk dari kelompok hacker Internasional, Anonymous. "Hacktivis" yang dibentuk pada 2003 itu mengeluarkan video yang mengaitkan triliuner berkewarganegaraan Inggris, Jacob Rothschild dengan hilangnya MH370.

Dalam video, seorang anggotanya -- yang mengenakan topeng Guy Fawkes atau yang biasa dikenal V for Vendetta bicara panjang lebar soal tudingan keterlibatan orang kaya dunia itu.

"Dengan hilangnya Malaysia Airlines MH370, triliuner Jacob Rothschild menjadi pemegang paten semikonduktor penting. Kebetulan? Kupikir tidak!" kata Anonymous dalam videonya yang dilihat Liputan6.com, Selasa (1/4/2014).

Lihat videonya di tautan ini.

Anonymous menambahkan, Rothschild diduga menginginkan paten KL-03 micro-chip. "Perusahaan teknologi Amerika Serikat, Freescale Semiconductor (yang dikabarkan milik Rothschild) punya 20 staf senior  dalam pesawat  (MH370)-- yang baru saja meluncurkan perangkat elektronik tempur untuk sistem radar militer, sehari sebelum pesawat raib."

Anonymous menambahkan, kebanyakan dari mereka adalah insinyur, yang bekerja pada cabang perusahaan di Tianjin, China dan Kuala  Lumpur, Malaysia. "Mereka memiliki banyak pengalaman dan latar belakang teknis. Orang-orang yang sangat penting."

Masih menurut Anonymous, 4 hari setelah penerbangan MH370 menghilang, paten semikonduktor telah disetujui oleh kantor paten AS, dibagi 5 bagian masing-masing 20% antara 5 starter. Salah satu pemilik adalah perusahaan itu sendiri, Freescale Semiconductor yang berbasis di Austin, Texas dan 4 karyawan asal China: Peidong Wang, Zhijun Chen, Cheng, dan Li Ying Zhijong -- semuanya asal Suzhou dan menjadi penumpang Malaysia Airlines yang menghilang pada 8 Maret lalu.

Sejumlah media memberitakan versi Anonymous seperti International Business Times, Before It's News, Epoch Times, dan Macedonian Intl News Agency (MINA)

Freescale Semiconductor Berduka

Menanggapi hilangnya pada pegawainya, Freescale Semiconductor mengaku berduka. "Untuk menghormati privasi keluarga selama masa sulit ini, kami tidak akan merilis nama-nama karyawan yang berada dalam penerbangan saat ini," kata juru bicara Freescale, Jacey Zuniga kepada koran Austin-American Statesman

Ada 20 karyawan Freescale, 12 dari Malaysia dan 8 dari China - di antara 239 orang di dalam pesawat.

Mitch Haws, wakil direktur Freescale, mengatakan kehilangan para karyawan adalah hal yang sama sekali tak diinginkan. "Jelas merupakan suatu kerugian bagi perusahaan," tambah dia.

Belum ada bantahan soal konspirasi untuk mendapatkan paten -- seperti yang dituding Anonymous.

Bantahan muncul dari anti-hoax, Snopes.com Dalam sebuat postingannya, pengelola situs mengatakan, paten bertanggal 11 Maret 2014 tak sebegitu berharganya, "sampai-sampai harus membunuh 4 orang (apalagi 235 orang lain yang tidak bersalah) hanya untuk mendapatkan paten eksklusif itu." [Baca bantahan kecelakaan pesawat Malaysia Airlines MH370 disebabkan perebutan paten di tautan ini.]

 Baca juga:

`Rute Sesat` Malaysia Airlines MH370
`Bunuh Diri` Pilot SilkAir MI185 di Sungai Musi Palembang 1997
- See more at: http://news.liputan6.com/read/2030973/ada-konspirasi-triliuner-di-balik-hilangnya-mh370#sthash.ep0jxyzr.dpuf

Thierry Meyssan: "Lakhdar Brahimi Bertindak Sebagai Algojo!"
Islam Times- http://www.islamtimes.org/vdcjxyetxuqeahz.bnfu.html
Perundingan Jenewa, katanya, merupakan kesempatan bagi Lakhdar Brahimi untuk membingkai Suriah secara kaku dan menyalahkan Suriah atas perang yang justru korbannya adalah Suriah sendiri. "Dengan demikian, di mata dunia, para korban sekaligus bertindak sebagai algojo!" sindir Meyssan.
"Lakhdar Brahimi Bertindak Sebagai Algojo!"
"Lakhdar Brahimi Bertindak Sebagai Algojo!"

Menyamar sebagai aktivis Dunia Ketiga, Lakhdar Brahimi adalah sosok terakhir yang menjadi tuan rumah bagi Wakil Presiden [Konferensi] Tiga Benua, Mehdi Ben Barka, sebelum ia diculik dan dibunuh secara misterius. Pasca kemerdekaan Aljazair, Brahimi menjabat Sekretaris Jenderal Departemen Luar Negeri, Duta Besar untuk Mesir, serta Perwakilan Tinggi Liga Arab dan PBB di seluruh dunia. Ia menjabat Menteri Luar Negeri Aljazair 1991-1992.

Menurut jurnalis investigatif kawakan asal Perancis, Thierry Meyssan, Perundingan Jenewa 2 gagal karena, pertama, AS memutuskan mendukung posisi Saudi ketimbang menghormati kesepakatan komunike Jenewa 1. "Kedua, perundingan itu dipimpin Lakhdar Brahimi yang lebih melayani kepentingan Washington ketimbang mencari perdamaian," katanya.

Atas saran Rusia, lanjut Meyssan, Suriah menerima utusan khusus Ban Ki-moon akan memimpin perundingan. "Saat itu Moskow berharap Washington akan memenuhi janji-janjinya," imbuhnya.

Damaskus ingat bahwa 25 tahun lalu, di Taif, Brahimi bukanlah musuh Suriah. "Tapi, pilihan Kongres AS mendanai al-Qaeda dalam sebuah pertemuan rahasia, kurangnya legitimasi dan otoritas delegasi oposisi Suriah, pembatalan undangan PBB pada Iran di malam perundingan, serta keynote speech Menteri Luar Negeri John Kerry yang menumpuk seluruh tanggung jawab ke pundak Suriah, ditambah lagi ulah Uni Eropa menghalang-halangi secara fisik kepergian delegasi Suriah ke Swiss, menunjukkan bahwa Moskow salah perhitungan atau ditipu," ujar Meyssan.

Perundingan Jenewa, katanya, merupakan kesempatan bagi Lakhdar Brahimi untuk membingkai Suriah secara kaku dan menyalahkan Suriah atas perang yang justru korbannya adalah Suriah sendiri. "Dengan demikian, di mata dunia, para korban sekaligus bertindak sebagai algojo!" sindir Meyssan.

Ia membolehkan isu terorisme dibicarakan, lanjutnya, namun pada saat yang sama melontarkan isu pemerintahan transisi. "Kemudian, ia menuduh Suriah tidak mengikuti aturan, kendati diskusi seputar terorisme jelas-jelas membuktikan bahwa delegasi 'oposisi' mendukung pelanggaran yang dilakukan para jihadis," papar Meyssan.

Lakhdar Brahimi telah mengubah dirinya sebagai penuding Suriah tanpa henti. "Pada 14 Maret," tutur Meyssan, "sebelum Majelis Umum PBB digelar, ia menuduh Suriah menolak bantuan kemanusiaan internasional dan membiarkan warganya kelaparan di Kamp Yarmouk."

Lebih dari itu, lanjutnya, ia tak pernah henti menegaskan bahwa konflik itu adalah konflik pemerintah melawan beberapa warga negaranya, sehingga tak ada alasan [bagi pemerintah Suriah] untuk [menempuh] solusi militer. "Ini menyembunyikan keterlibatan sepuluh tahun Barat dalam menyiapkan perang ini, yang dipicu dengan mengirimkan penembak jitu ke Deraa dan menyebarkan disinformasi tentang penyiksaan anak-anak," ujar Meyssan.

Tudingan itu juga mengabaikan kehadiran pemberontak asing (jihadis takfiri binaan AS cs), lanjutnya, kendati Brahimi sebelumnya pernah mengakui jumlah mereka setidaknya 40 ribu orang. "Meski angka ini tiga kali lebih rendah dari yang sebenarnya, tapi sudah cukup menjadi bukti bahwa itu adalah perang agresi yang sebanding dengan pengalaman Nikaragua pada 80-an," terang Meyssan.

Kemudian, lanjutnya, Lakhdar Brahimi mengombinasikan perannya sebagai Utusan Khusus Sekretaris Jenderal PBB dan Liga Arab (aliansi negara-negara Arab yang secara sepihak mendepak Suriah. "Karena itu, ia menjadi hakim sekaligus juri!" kata Meyssan.

Saat Brahimi diangkat pada Agustus 2013, Meyssan menulis sebuah artikel ihwal masa lalunya dan dikirimkan ke surat kabar utama Suriah. "[Saat itu] saya belum punya hak istimewa untuk menulis al-Watan. [Di situ] saya laporkan keterlibatannya pada 1992 di antara sepuluh anggota Dewan Keamanan Tinggi Aljazair," ujarnya.

Dewan yang disebut-sebut kampiun demokrasi itu lantas menganulir hasil pemilu demokratis, memaksa Presiden Bendjedid mengundurkan diri, seta menempatkan jendral janviéristes berkuasa, yang memicu satu dekade perang sipil yang mengerikan, saat mana rakyat Aljazair masih menanggung bekas luka namun menguntungkan Amerika Serikat.

Saat itu, lanjut Meyssan, pemimpin Islamis (baca: takfiri) Aljazair, Abbasi Madani, menempatkan sosok sekular semu Suriah, Bourhan Ghalioun (yang kelak menjadi presiden Dewan Nasional Suriah) sebagai penasihat politik. "Faksi takfiri bersenjata GSPC (pada 2007 berganti nama menjadi 'al-Qaeda Wilayah Barat') dilatih menggunakan senjata bersama Islamic Fighting Group di Libya (pada 1997 berganti nama 'al-Qaeda Libya'); sebagian besar jihadis kedua kelompok itu saat ini digabungkan ke dalam kelompok bersenjata di Suriah," paparnya.

"Cermatilah warisan Lakhdar Brahimi sekarang: bahkan sebelum ambil bagian dalam memicu perang sipil Aljazair, ia merundingkan Perjanjian Taif (1989) untuk Liga Arab yang membagi Lebanon berdasarkan garis komunitas religius," lanjut Meyssan. Ia juga menjadi orang yang menegosiasikan Persetujuan Bonn (2002) dan menjadikan Karzai berkuasa di Kabul atas nama NATO.

Akhirnya, ia memimpin Operasi Penjaga Perdamaian PBB yang didedikasikan untuk "intervensi kemanusiaan"--nama baru bagi kolonialisme. "Di atas semua itu, ia mendukung keinginan Organisasi untuk menempatkan pasukan dari pelbagai kekuatan besar untuk memaksakan perdamaian, ketimbang para pengamat yang memantau penerapan perdamaian yang dinegosiasikan pihak-pihak yang berkonflik," lanjut Meyssan.

Ia juga menganjurkan agar mendasarkan pemerintahan global ini pada doktrin intervensi dan layanan intelijen supra-nasional yang disebut "Decision Support", yang dipercayakan Ban Ki -moon dipercayakan... kepada NATO. "Selain itu, Brahimi tak pernah menjadi 'juru-runding' atau 'penengah' konflik," tegas Meyssan.

Mandatnya yang ditandatangani Ban Ki -moon, memintanya ntuk menggunakan "bakat dan pengalaman luar biasa"nya untuk memimpin Suriah menuju "transisi politik, sesuai aspirasi sah rakyat Suriah". "Dan [maksud] 'transisi' di sini bukan berarti transisi dari perang menuju perdamaian, melainkan, dari Suriah yang berdaulat ke Suriah yang diperbudak tanpa Bashar al-Assad," ujar Meyssan.

Lakhdar Brahimi yang memperlihatkan dirinya sebagai mantan militan Dunia Ketiga, lanjutnya, tak pernah melayani penduduk di Dunia Ketiga--bahkan tidak untuk dirinya sendiri, d
an tak pernah mengecewakan negara-negara besar. "Ia tak pantas dihormati," pungkas Meyssan. (IT/VN/rj)

Ada `Konspirasi` Triliuner di Balik Hilangnya MH370?

Selasa, 01 April 2014 19:05
Elin Yunita Kristanti

Kelompok hacker Anonymous mengeluarkan video yang mengaitkan triliuner dengan hilangnya MH370. Sebatas isu?
- See more at: http://news.liputan6.com/read/2030973/ada-konspirasi-triliuner-di-balik-hilangnya-mh370#sthash.ep0jxyzr.dpuf

Liputan6.com, Kuala Lumpur - 

Pesawat jumbo yang lenyap tanpa jejak, sistem komunikasi tiba-tiba putus, rute yang dialihkan di tengah jalan; apa yang terjadi pada Malaysia Airlines MH370 menjadi misteri besar yang tak kunjung terjawab. 

Dalam situasi seperti ini, spekulasi pun bermunculan. Termasuk dari kelompok hacker Internasional, Anonymous. "Hacktivis" yang dibentuk pada 2003 itu mengeluarkan video yang mengaitkan triliuner berkewarganegaraan Inggris, Jacob Rothschild dengan hilangnya MH370. 

Dalam video, seorang anggotanya -- yang mengenakan topeng Guy Fawkes atau yang biasa dikenal V for Vendetta bicara panjang lebar soal tudingan keterlibatan orang kaya dunia itu. 

"Dengan hilangnya Malaysia Airlines MH370, triliuner Jacob Rothschild menjadi pemegang paten semikonduktor penting. Kebetulan? Kupikir tidak!" kata Anonymous dalam videonya yang dilihat Liputan6.com, Selasa (1/4/2014).
Lihat videonya di tautan ini

Anonymous menambahkan, Rothschild diduga menginginkan paten KL-03 micro-chip. "Perusahaan teknologi Amerika Serikat, Freescale Semiconductor (yang dikabarkan milik Rothschild) punya 20 staf senior  dalam pesawat  (MH370)-- yang baru saja meluncurkan perangkat elektronik tempur untuk sistem radar militer, sehari sebelum pesawat raib."

Anonymous menambahkan, kebanyakan dari mereka adalah insinyur, yang bekerja pada cabang perusahaan di Tianjin, China dan Kuala  Lumpur, Malaysia. "Mereka memiliki banyak pengalaman dan latar belakang teknis. Orang-orang yang sangat penting."

Masih menurut Anonymous, 4 hari setelah penerbangan MH370 menghilang, paten semikonduktor telah disetujui oleh kantor paten AS, dibagi 5 bagian masing-masing 20% antara 5 starter. Salah satu pemilik adalah perusahaan itu sendiri, Freescale Semiconductor yang berbasis di Austin, Texas dan 4 karyawan asal China: Peidong Wang, Zhijun Chen, Cheng, dan Li Ying Zhijong -- semuanya asal Suzhou dan menjadi penumpang Malaysia Airlines yang menghilang pada 8 Maret lalu.

Sejumlah media memberitakan versi Anonymous seperti International Business Times, Before It's News, Epoch Times, dan Macedonian Intl News Agency (MINA)

Freescale Semiconductor Berduka
Menanggapi hilangnya pada pegawainya, Freescale Semiconductor mengaku berduka. "Untuk menghormati privasi keluarga selama masa sulit ini, kami tidak akan merilis nama-nama karyawan yang berada dalam penerbangan saat ini," kata juru bicara Freescale, Jacey Zuniga kepada koran Austin-American Statesman
Ada 20 karyawan Freescale, 12 dari Malaysia dan 8 dari China - di antara 239 orang di dalam pesawat.
Mitch Haws, wakil direktur Freescale, mengatakan kehilangan para karyawan adalah hal yang sama sekali tak diinginkan. "Jelas merupakan suatu kerugian bagi perusahaan," tambah dia.
Belum ada bantahan soal konspirasi untuk mendapatkan paten -- seperti yang dituding Anonymous.

Bantahan muncul dari anti-hoax, Snopes.com Dalam sebuat postingannya, pengelola situs mengatakan, paten bertanggal 11 Maret 2014 tak sebegitu berharganya, "sampai-sampai harus membunuh 4 orang (apalagi 235 orang lain yang tidak bersalah) hanya untuk mendapatkan paten eksklusif itu." [Baca bantahan kecelakaan pesawat Malaysia Airlines MH370 disebabkan perebutan paten di tautan ini.]
 Baca juga:
`Bunuh Diri` Pilot SilkAir MI185 di Sungai Musi Palembang 1997
- See more at: http://news.liputan6.com/read/2030973/ada-konspirasi-triliuner-di-balik-hilangnya-mh370#sthash.ep0jxyzr.dpuf

Minggu, 09 Maret 2014 , 06:06:00

SPEKULASI ....http://www.jpnn.com/read/2014/03/09/220832/Teori-Konspirasi-Iringi-Hilangnya-Malaysia-Airlines->>
tentang hilangnya pesawat Malaysia Airlines (MAS) bernomor penerbangan MH370 rute Kuala Lumpur-Beijing, Sabtu (8/3) dini hari terus menyeruak. Namun, bukan hanya kabar kabur yang beredar, karena teori konspirasi pun ikut menyertai tentang musabab pesawat Boeing 777 yang hilang saat melintas di Laut China Selatan itu.

Dugaan berbau konspirasi pertama adalah kemungkinan adanya teroris yang ikut dalam penerbangan MAS yang bertolak dari Kuala Lumpur kemarin pukul 00.41 itu. Pertanyaannya adalah; apakah ada penumpang yang naik ke penerbangan MH370 dengan paspor colongan?

Dilaporkan laman Malaysian Insider, ada dua nama dalam manifest yang ternyata tidak ikut dalam penerbangan MH370. Nama pertama adalah Luigi Maraldi, warga negara Italia yang disebut masuk dalam manifes MH370 tapi ternyata masih berada di Thailand. Maraldi sudah menghubungi keluarga dan otoritas Italia bahwa dirinya baik-baik saja dan masih tinggal di Phuket, Thailand. Hanya saja WN Italia berusia 37 tahun itu memang pernah kehilangan paspor.

Nama lainnya yang juga disebut dalam manifes MH370 namun ternyata tidak ikut dalam penerbangan menuju Beijing adalah Christian Kozel, seorang WN Austria. Ternyata, Kozel yang berusia 30 tahun itu dalam kondisi baik-baik saja di Austria. Hanya saja Kementerian Luar Negeri Austria mengungkapkan bahwa Kozel memang pernah kehilangan paspor saat berkunjung ke Thailand dua tahun silam.

Pengamat penerbangan yang juga editor di laman airlineratings.com, Geoffrey Thomas menduga pesawat MH370 tiba-tiba meledak di udara. Alasannya, karena tidak ada panggilan mayday yang dibuat pilot sebagai tanda kondisi darurat.

Seperti diwartakan The Age Australia, Thomas yang telah terlibat di industri penerbangan selama 35 tahun itu menambahkan, spekulasi tentang adanya ledakan itu bisa jadi karena ulah teroris yang membawa bom ke dalam pesawat.

Namun, Kementerian Transportasi Malaysia menolak mengomentari kemungkinan aksi terorisme dalam penerbangan MH370.  “Kami tidak dapat mengungkapkan terlalu rinci tentang keamanan kami,” kata Wakil Menteri Transportasi Malaysia, Datuk Abdul Aziz Kaprawi.

Ia juga berupaya menepis dugaan aksi terorisme itu. Pihaknya sudah menyimak CCTV yang merekam aktivitas penumpang maupun bagasi yang diangkut ke dalam pesawat yang mengangkut 239 orang itu. “Sejauh ini kami puas dengan segala sesuatunya,” ucapnya.

Sedangkan dugaan konspirasi kedua terkait simpang siurnya waktu persis saat pesawat hilang kontak. Pihak MAS menyebut MH370 hilang dari radar di pusat kendali lalu lintas udara Kuala Lumpur pada pukul 02.40. Periode waktu antara pesawat take off dengan hilang kontak itu dianggap cukup untuk terbang bukan hanya melintasi Teluk Thailand tetapi juga menjauh ke utara Vietnam.

Namun, Fredrik Lindahl, bos di Flightradar24.com -sebuah laman penyedia layanan pelacakan pesawat yang tengah mengudara- menyebut MH370 menghilang dari radar pada pukul 01.19. Artinya, pesawat sudah tidak terdeteksi lagi kurang dari 40 menit setelah lepas landas di Kuala Lumpur.

Tapi pihak MAS menegaskan, percakapan terakhir terakhir pilot MH370 dengan menara kontrol sekitar pukul 01.30. Sedangkan  MH370 baru menghilang dari sistem kendali lalu lintas udara Subang pada pukul 02.40.

Otoritas Malaysia pun tak memungkiri berbagai kemungkinan yang bisa menjadi penyebab kecelakaan pesawat. Karenanya, operasi pencarian dan penyelamatan terus dilakukan.

Aziz menambahkan, Angkatan Laut Malaysia telah mengarahkan pencarian pada malam hari dengan pesawat yang dilengkapi peralatan pandangan malam (night vision). Area pencarian juga telah diperluas termasuk ke wilayah pantai timur dan barat Malaysia. “Tim SAR Malaysia dan Vietnam sedang melakukan pencarian di wilayah perairan masing-masing,” ujarnya.

Aziz juga tak menampik kuatnya dugaan bahwa MH370 menghilang di laut. Merujuk pada tumpahan minyak pesawat yang ditemukan otoritas penerbangan sipil Vietnam, pemerintah Malaysia telah meminta konfirmasi. “Tapi pemerintah Vietnam belum kembali (memberi konfirmasi, red) ke kami,” ucapnya.

Sementara pihak Boeing sebagai produsen 777-222  telah membentuk tim ahli untuk memberikan saran kepada pihak berwenang terkait penyelidikan menghilangnya pesawat yang dioperasikan MAS itu. Sedangkan di Beijing, ratusan anggota keluarga penumpang MH370  berkumpul di sebuah ruangan hotel yang khusus disediakan bagi mereka dengan dilengkapi dua petugas medis. (malaysianinsider/nypost/ara/jpnn)

Missing plane mystery solved?
Tue Apr 22, 2014 3:9AM GMT

By Kevin Barrett
Related Interviews:
Two former high-level insiders may have solved two of the mysteries surrounding the disappearance of Malaysian Flight 370:

What caused the plane to suddenly fly off-course? And why are all of the governments involved covering up the truth?

Had MH 370 crashed in the ocean, it would have left a huge, easily-visible debris field. Countries with satellite surveillance systems, and their partners, know exactly where the plane went. Boeing and its engine-manufacturer Rolls Royce also know, since planes and engines have GPS systems. (You can buy a GPS system for a little over $50 in the US; it would be naive to think a $320 million aircraft doesn’t have one.) Even the INMARSAT satellite “pings” that we have been told can only sweep a broad arc of possible locations could in reality be used to locate the aircraft with some precision, due to the fact that radio transmissions vary in signatures according to time of day, sunspots, and so on. The “hunt for the airliner” peddled to the mainstream media is clearly a charade. 

So what are all of the major players – both in governments and the aircraft industry – working so hard to hide?

Matthias Chang, a barrister who served as Political Secretary to Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, explained during an exclusive Truth Jihad Radio interview that only a remote-hijacking fly-by-wire scenario can explain the plane’s disappearance. Chang’s views were confirmed by Gene “Chip” Tatum, a former Special Forces Air Combat Controller and US Army special operations pilot who has carried out ultra-sensitive missions at the direct orders of US Presidents.

Chang says the Malaysian government has been given sealed evidence by one or more foreign governments concerning the fate of MH-370. As a condition of receiving that evidence, Malaysia is not allowed to divulge it.

Matthias Chang is familiar with the highest levels of power in Malaysia. He presumably has some idea of what is in the sealed evidence. But if he did know, he could not say it directly.

Maybe that is why Matthias Chang recently sent an email to MH-370 investigators in the alternative media with a “hint”:


What “things” would “come to a complete halt” and badly damage the world economy if the truth about MH-370 were told?

Chip Tatum thinks those “things” are commercial airplanes. In our interview Friday night, Tatum suggested that the current generation of airliners’ fly-by-wire systems are extremely vulnerable to catastrophic sabotage, including electronic hijacking.  

Tatum called the alleged search for the aircraft “a smokescreen... They’re keeping the media busy in the South Indian Ocean while things are being done in other areas. I think the government doesn’t want us to know what they know because they don’t think we can handle the truth.”  

But what could that truth possibly be? Tatum explains: “If it were known that something is that easily hijacked by remote control, people would stop flying. And then you’re talking about a huge impact on business and everything else.”

So when Matthias Chang says that the truth about MH-370 would cause “things” to come to a complete halt, he is presumably referring to commercial air traffic. I asked Chang point blank if this was true. He did not deny it. But rather than confirm this hypothesis – which may be off-limits to direct discussion due to its inclusion in the sealed evidence Malaysia has been given – Chang directed me to his most recent article at FutureFastForward.com citing evidence that new technology allows planes to be flown from the ground.

Chip Tatum speculates that a bright teenager with a laptop and a cell phone could hack into commercial aircraft fly-by-wire systems. He explains that in newer aircraft, cables driven by pilot controls have been replaced by computers sending electronic signals. While technologies have been patented for protecting these fly-by-wire systems – notably US Patent #8,391,493, which the US government immediately “disappeared” from Patent Office records by invoking the Invention Secrecy Act – they apparently have not yet been implemented. If Tatum is right, commercial aircraft currently flying are wide-open for remote hijacking.

The scenario outlined by Chang and Tatum explains how MH370 was hijacked, and why all the major players are covering up the truth. But it does not explain who remote-hijacked MH370 and why.
One clue: Tatum provides evidence for the possible involvement of the CIA-based Bush crime family in the cover-up. The fake satellite trail to the remote and dangerous Southern Indian Ocean, a gigantic red herring, was fabricated by INMARSAT – whose largest owner, Harbinger Capital, is the new name for George H.W. Bush’s notorious Zapata Corporation.

Tatum has first-hand knowledge of the depravity and corruption of the Bush mob. While working in Special Operations for the CIA and US military in 1992, Tatum was personally ordered by then-President George H.W. Bush to “neutralize” Bush’s political opponent Ross Perot. Based on his past missions for Bush, Tatum understood those orders meant that Bush wanted him to force Perot out of the presidential race by any means necessary, including murder. (Tatum refused Bush’s orders – the beginning of the end of his career in Special Ops.) 

Tatum has also revealed his knowledge of Bush-related CIA drug smuggling and mind control operations. He survived as a whistleblower due to the extremely sensitive documents and recordings he set up to be released in the event of his death or incapacitation-by-torture.
Tatum has released many other documents corroborating his stories of Bush’s corruption, CIA assassinations and mind-control. But despite his credibility, the mainstream media refuses to report such information.

If the Bush crime family is deceiving the world about an operation involving remote-hijacked airliners, it wouldn’t be the first time. On September 11th, 2001, fly-by-wire systems appear to have been used in the false flag attacks on New York and Washington. Bush loyalists and Israeli Mossad assets are the two main groups of suspects in those attacks. Could the same forces be involved in the theft of MH370 – perhaps as part of a plan to stage another plane-into-building false flag, as Christopher Bollyn has suggested?

Ada `Konspirasi` Triliuner di Balik Hilangnya MH370?

  • Comments 3
  • Selasa, 01 April 2014 19:05

Elin Yunita Kristanti

Kelompok hacker Anonymous mengeluarkan video yang mengaitkan triliuner dengan hilangnya MH370. Sebatas isu?

Liputan6.com, Kuala Lumpur - Pesawat jumbo yang lenyap tanpa jejak, sistem komunikasi tiba-tiba putus, rute yang dialihkan di tengah jalan; apa yang terjadi pada Malaysia Airlines MH370 menjadi misteri besar yang tak kunjung terjawab.

Dalam situasi seperti ini, spekulasi pun bermunculan. Termasuk dari kelompok hacker Internasional, Anonymous. "Hacktivis" yang dibentuk pada 2003 itu mengeluarkan video yang mengaitkan triliuner berkewarganegaraan Inggris, Jacob Rothschild dengan hilangnya MH370.

Dalam video, seorang anggotanya -- yang mengenakan topeng Guy Fawkes atau yang biasa dikenal V for Vendetta bicara panjang lebar soal tudingan keterlibatan orang kaya dunia itu.

"Dengan hilangnya Malaysia Airlines MH370, triliuner Jacob Rothschild menjadi pemegang paten semikonduktor penting. Kebetulan? Kupikir tidak!" kata Anonymous dalam videonya yang dilihat Liputan6.com, Selasa (1/4/2014).

Lihat videonya di tautan ini.

Anonymous menambahkan, Rothschild diduga menginginkan paten KL-03 micro-chip. "Perusahaan teknologi Amerika Serikat, Freescale Semiconductor (yang dikabarkan milik Rothschild) punya 20 staf senior  dalam pesawat  (MH370)-- yang baru saja meluncurkan perangkat elektronik tempur untuk sistem radar militer, sehari sebelum pesawat raib."

Anonymous menambahkan, kebanyakan dari mereka adalah insinyur, yang bekerja pada cabang perusahaan di Tianjin, China dan Kuala  Lumpur, Malaysia. "Mereka memiliki banyak pengalaman dan latar belakang teknis. Orang-orang yang sangat penting."

Masih menurut Anonymous, 4 hari setelah penerbangan MH370 menghilang, paten semikonduktor telah disetujui oleh kantor paten AS, dibagi 5 bagian masing-masing 20% antara 5 starter. Salah satu pemilik adalah perusahaan itu sendiri, Freescale Semiconductor yang berbasis di Austin, Texas dan 4 karyawan asal China: Peidong Wang, Zhijun Chen, Cheng, dan Li Ying Zhijong -- semuanya asal Suzhou dan menjadi penumpang Malaysia Airlines yang menghilang pada 8 Maret lalu.

Sejumlah media memberitakan versi Anonymous seperti International Business Times, Before It's News, Epoch Times, dan Macedonian Intl News Agency (MINA)

Freescale Semiconductor Berduka

Menanggapi hilangnya pada pegawainya, Freescale Semiconductor mengaku berduka. "Untuk menghormati privasi keluarga selama masa sulit ini, kami tidak akan merilis nama-nama karyawan yang berada dalam penerbangan saat ini," kata juru bicara Freescale, Jacey Zuniga kepada koran Austin-American Statesman

Ada 20 karyawan Freescale, 12 dari Malaysia dan 8 dari China - di antara 239 orang di dalam pesawat.

Mitch Haws, wakil direktur Freescale, mengatakan kehilangan para karyawan adalah hal yang sama sekali tak diinginkan. "Jelas merupakan suatu kerugian bagi perusahaan," tambah dia.

Belum ada bantahan soal konspirasi untuk mendapatkan paten -- seperti yang dituding Anonymous.

Bantahan muncul dari anti-hoax, Snopes.com Dalam sebuat postingannya, pengelola situs mengatakan, paten bertanggal 11 Maret 2014 tak sebegitu berharganya, "sampai-sampai harus membunuh 4 orang (apalagi 235 orang lain yang tidak bersalah) hanya untuk mendapatkan paten eksklusif itu." [Baca bantahan kecelakaan pesawat Malaysia Airlines MH370 disebabkan perebutan paten di tautan ini.]

 Baca juga:

`Rute Sesat` Malaysia Airlines MH370
`Bunuh Diri` Pilot SilkAir MI185 di Sungai Musi Palembang 1997
- See more at: http://news.liputan6.com/read/2030973/ada-konspirasi-triliuner-di-balik-hilangnya-mh370#sthash.ep0jxyzr.dpuf

Ada `Konspirasi` Triliuner di Balik Hilangnya MH370?

  • Comments 3
  • Selasa, 01 April 2014 19:05

Elin Yunita Kristanti

Kelompok hacker Anonymous mengeluarkan video yang mengaitkan triliuner dengan hilangnya MH370. Sebatas isu?

Liputan6.com, Kuala Lumpur - Pesawat jumbo yang lenyap tanpa jejak, sistem komunikasi tiba-tiba putus, rute yang dialihkan di tengah jalan; apa yang terjadi pada Malaysia Airlines MH370 menjadi misteri besar yang tak kunjung terjawab.

Dalam situasi seperti ini, spekulasi pun bermunculan. Termasuk dari kelompok hacker Internasional, Anonymous. "Hacktivis" yang dibentuk pada 2003 itu mengeluarkan video yang mengaitkan triliuner berkewarganegaraan Inggris, Jacob Rothschild dengan hilangnya MH370.

Dalam video, seorang anggotanya -- yang mengenakan topeng Guy Fawkes atau yang biasa dikenal V for Vendetta bicara panjang lebar soal tudingan keterlibatan orang kaya dunia itu.

"Dengan hilangnya Malaysia Airlines MH370, triliuner Jacob Rothschild menjadi pemegang paten semikonduktor penting. Kebetulan? Kupikir tidak!" kata Anonymous dalam videonya yang dilihat Liputan6.com, Selasa (1/4/2014).

Lihat videonya di tautan ini.

Anonymous menambahkan, Rothschild diduga menginginkan paten KL-03 micro-chip. "Perusahaan teknologi Amerika Serikat, Freescale Semiconductor (yang dikabarkan milik Rothschild) punya 20 staf senior  dalam pesawat  (MH370)-- yang baru saja meluncurkan perangkat elektronik tempur untuk sistem radar militer, sehari sebelum pesawat raib."

Anonymous menambahkan, kebanyakan dari mereka adalah insinyur, yang bekerja pada cabang perusahaan di Tianjin, China dan Kuala  Lumpur, Malaysia. "Mereka memiliki banyak pengalaman dan latar belakang teknis. Orang-orang yang sangat penting."

Masih menurut Anonymous, 4 hari setelah penerbangan MH370 menghilang, paten semikonduktor telah disetujui oleh kantor paten AS, dibagi 5 bagian masing-masing 20% antara 5 starter. Salah satu pemilik adalah perusahaan itu sendiri, Freescale Semiconductor yang berbasis di Austin, Texas dan 4 karyawan asal China: Peidong Wang, Zhijun Chen, Cheng, dan Li Ying Zhijong -- semuanya asal Suzhou dan menjadi penumpang Malaysia Airlines yang menghilang pada 8 Maret lalu.

Sejumlah media memberitakan versi Anonymous seperti International Business Times, Before It's News, Epoch Times, dan Macedonian Intl News Agency (MINA)

Freescale Semiconductor Berduka

Menanggapi hilangnya pada pegawainya, Freescale Semiconductor mengaku berduka. "Untuk menghormati privasi keluarga selama masa sulit ini, kami tidak akan merilis nama-nama karyawan yang berada dalam penerbangan saat ini," kata juru bicara Freescale, Jacey Zuniga kepada koran Austin-American Statesman

Ada 20 karyawan Freescale, 12 dari Malaysia dan 8 dari China - di antara 239 orang di dalam pesawat.

Mitch Haws, wakil direktur Freescale, mengatakan kehilangan para karyawan adalah hal yang sama sekali tak diinginkan. "Jelas merupakan suatu kerugian bagi perusahaan," tambah dia.

Belum ada bantahan soal konspirasi untuk mendapatkan paten -- seperti yang dituding Anonymous.

Bantahan muncul dari anti-hoax, Snopes.com Dalam sebuat postingannya, pengelola situs mengatakan, paten bertanggal 11 Maret 2014 tak sebegitu berharganya, "sampai-sampai harus membunuh 4 orang (apalagi 235 orang lain yang tidak bersalah) hanya untuk mendapatkan paten eksklusif itu." [Baca bantahan kecelakaan pesawat Malaysia Airlines MH370 disebabkan perebutan paten di tautan ini.]

 Baca juga:

`Rute Sesat` Malaysia Airlines MH370
`Bunuh Diri` Pilot SilkAir MI185 di Sungai Musi Palembang 1997
- See more at: http://news.liputan6.com/read/2030973/ada-konspirasi-triliuner-di-balik-hilangnya-mh370#sthash.ep0jxyzr.dpuf

Liputan6.com, Kuala Lumpur - Pesawat jumbo yang lenyap tanpa jejak, sistem komunikasi tiba-tiba putus, rute yang dialihkan di tengah jalan; apa yang terjadi pada Malaysia Airlines MH370 menjadi misteri besar yang tak kunjung terjawab.

Dalam situasi seperti ini, spekulasi pun bermunculan. Termasuk dari kelompok hacker Internasional, Anonymous. "Hacktivis" yang dibentuk pada 2003 itu mengeluarkan video yang mengaitkan triliuner berkewarganegaraan Inggris, Jacob Rothschild dengan hilangnya MH370.

Dalam video, seorang anggotanya -- yang mengenakan topeng Guy Fawkes atau yang biasa dikenal V for Vendetta bicara panjang lebar soal tudingan keterlibatan orang kaya dunia itu.

"Dengan hilangnya Malaysia Airlines MH370, triliuner Jacob Rothschild menjadi pemegang paten semikonduktor penting. Kebetulan? Kupikir tidak!" kata Anonymous dalam videonya yang dilihat Liputan6.com, Selasa (1/4/2014).

Lihat videonya di tautan ini.

Anonymous menambahkan, Rothschild diduga menginginkan paten KL-03 micro-chip. "Perusahaan teknologi Amerika Serikat, Freescale Semiconductor (yang dikabarkan milik Rothschild) punya 20 staf senior  dalam pesawat  (MH370)-- yang baru saja meluncurkan perangkat elektronik tempur untuk sistem radar militer, sehari sebelum pesawat raib."

Anonymous menambahkan, kebanyakan dari mereka adalah insinyur, yang bekerja pada cabang perusahaan di Tianjin, China dan Kuala  Lumpur, Malaysia. "Mereka memiliki banyak pengalaman dan latar belakang teknis. Orang-orang yang sangat penting."

Masih menurut Anonymous, 4 hari setelah penerbangan MH370 menghilang, paten semikonduktor telah disetujui oleh kantor paten AS, dibagi 5 bagian masing-masing 20% antara 5 starter. Salah satu pemilik adalah perusahaan itu sendiri, Freescale Semiconductor yang berbasis di Austin, Texas dan 4 karyawan asal China: Peidong Wang, Zhijun Chen, Cheng, dan Li Ying Zhijong -- semuanya asal Suzhou dan menjadi penumpang Malaysia Airlines yang menghilang pada 8 Maret lalu.

Sejumlah media memberitakan versi Anonymous seperti International Business Times, Before It's News, Epoch Times, dan Macedonian Intl News Agency (MINA)

Freescale Semiconductor Berduka

Menanggapi hilangnya pada pegawainya, Freescale Semiconductor mengaku berduka. "Untuk menghormati privasi keluarga selama masa sulit ini, kami tidak akan merilis nama-nama karyawan yang berada dalam penerbangan saat ini," kata juru bicara Freescale, Jacey Zuniga kepada koran Austin-American Statesman

Ada 20 karyawan Freescale, 12 dari Malaysia dan 8 dari China - di antara 239 orang di dalam pesawat.

Mitch Haws, wakil direktur Freescale, mengatakan kehilangan para karyawan adalah hal yang sama sekali tak diinginkan. "Jelas merupakan suatu kerugian bagi perusahaan," tambah dia.

Belum ada bantahan soal konspirasi untuk mendapatkan paten -- seperti yang dituding Anonymous.

Bantahan muncul dari anti-hoax, Snopes.com Dalam sebuat postingannya, pengelola situs mengatakan, paten bertanggal 11 Maret 2014 tak sebegitu berharganya, "sampai-sampai harus membunuh 4 orang (apalagi 235 orang lain yang tidak bersalah) hanya untuk mendapatkan paten eksklusif itu." [Baca bantahan kecelakaan pesawat Malaysia Airlines MH370 disebabkan perebutan paten di tautan ini.]

 Baca juga:

`Rute Sesat` Malaysia Airlines MH370
`Bunuh Diri` Pilot SilkAir MI185 di Sungai Musi Palembang 1997
- See more at: http://news.liputan6.com/read/2030973/ada-konspirasi-triliuner-di-balik-hilangnya-mh370#sthash.ep0jxyzr.dpuf
Epitomizes Government Evil

Diego Garcia Theft Epitomizes Government Evil

In 2002 the natives sued the UK government and won, but the Masonic court system awarded them no compensation.
In 1970, 2000 islanders were forcibly deported to make way for a US air force base. Although the base is worth billions, the natives didn’t get a cent for their homes, possessions and way of life. They live in destitution in Mauritius and the Seychelles. They weren’t even opposed to the base. All they wanted was jobs working there. Instead the US imported 3000 Filipinos. Talk about bloody-minded.

Diego Garcia Theft Epitomizes Government Evil

by Sherwood Ross — Islanders Forcibly Deported (Abridged by henrymakow.com) April 8, 2014

In order to convert the sleepy, Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia into a dominating military base, the U.S. forcibly transported its 2,000 Chagossian inhabitants into exile and gassed their dogs. [The were allowed to take their clothes- nothing else.]

By banning journalists from the area, the U.S. Navy was able to perpetrate this with virtually no press coverage, says David Vine, an assistant professor of anthropology at American University and author of “Island of Shame: the Secret History of the U.S. Military on Diego Garcia” (Princeton University Press).

“The Chagossians were put on a boat and taken to Mauritius and the Seychelles, 1,200 miles away, where they were left on the docks, with no money and no housing, to fend for themselves,” Vine said on the interview show “Books Of Our Time,” sponsored by the Massachusetts School of Law at Andover.

“They were promised jobs that never materialized. They had been living on an island with schools, hospitals, and full employment, sort of like a French coastal village, and they were consigned to a life of abject poverty in exile, unemployment, health problems, and were the poorest of the poor,” Vine told interview host Lawrence Velvel, dean of the law school.

Their pet dogs were rounded up and gassed, and their bodies burned, before the very eyes of their traumatized owners, Vine said.

Diego Garcia Theft Epitomizes Government Evil

April 8, 2014
  (Left, This 12-min CNN documentary tells the story. Who is capable of such evil? Satanists.)

Who would steal an airliner, and imprison or kill its 239 passengers and crew?
The same people who stole the island where the airliner is probably hidden.

In 1970, 2000 islanders were forcibly deported to make way for a US air force base.
Although the base is worth billions, the natives didn't get a cent for their homes, possessions and way of life. They live in destitution in Mauritius and the Seychelles. They weren't even opposed to the base.
All they wanted was jobs working there.  Instead the US imported 3000 Filipinos. Talk about

The US government was afraid 450 fishermen and their families might make a claim. No wonder, our Masonic-run governments make us puke.

by Sherwood Ross
Islanders Forcibly Deported

(Abridged by henrymakow.com)

In order to convert the sleepy, Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia into a dominating military base, the U.S. forcibly transported its 2,000 Chagossian inhabitants into exile and gassed their dogs. [The were allowed to take their clothes- nothing else.]

By banning journalists from the area, the U.S. Navy was able to perpetrate this with virtually no press coverage, says David Vine, an assistant professor of anthropology at American University and author of "Island of Shame: the Secret History of the U.S. Military on Diego Garcia" (Princeton University Press).

"The Chagossians were put on a boat and taken to Mauritius and the Seychelles, 1,200 miles away, where they were left on the docks, with no money and no housing, to fend for themselves," Vine said on the interview show "Books Of Our Time," sponsored by the Massachusetts School of Law at Andover.

(left, in 2002 the natives sued the UK government and won, but the Masonic court system awarded them no compensation)

"They were promised jobs that never materialized. They had been living on an island with schools, hospitals, and full employment, sort of like a French coastal village, and they were consigned to a life of abject poverty in exile, unemployment, health problems, and were the poorest of the poor," Vine told interview host Lawrence Velvel, dean of the law school.

Their pet dogs were rounded up and gassed, and their bodies burned, before the very eyes of their traumatized owners, Vine said.

"They were moved because they were few in number and not white," Vine added. The U.S. government circulated the fiction the Chagossians were transient contract workers that had taken up residence only recently but, in fact, they had been living on Diego Garcia since about the time of the American Revolution. Merchants had imported them to work on the coconut and copra plantations. Vine said the U.S. government induced The Washington Post not to break a story spelling out events on the island...

Although the Chagossians were forcibly removed in 1971, they still hope to return, Vine says, and refer to their period of exile as one of "profound sorrow." Vine says they would be happy to live on the unused eastern portion of the island and work at the base but the U.S. instead "imports contract labor from other areas so they can send them home when the job is done." The island's exiled survivors and their descendants today number about 5,000.

Long off limits to reporters, the Red Cross, and all other international observers and far more secretive than Guantánamo Bay, many long suspected the island was a clandestine CIA "black site" for high-profile detainees, Vine wrote in a related article. Journalist Stephen Grey's 2006 book "Ghost Plane" documented the presence on the island of a CIA-chartered plane used for rendition flights. On two occasions former U.S. Army General Barry McCaffrey publicly named Diego Garcia as a detention facility. And a Council of Europe report named the atoll, along with those in Poland and Romania, as a secret prison.

The island became "a major launch pad" for the U.S. attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq, Vine said. In addition to its capacious harbor, the island readily supports some of the largest U.S. warplanes, including Air Force B-52s, B-1Bs and B-2s. Two years ago, the Pentagon awarded a $32 million contract to add a submarine base to the island's arsenal.

Diego Garcia had been a British possession until 1966, when London allowed the U.S. to use it as a military base in exchange for cancelling a $14-million British debt for a military hardware purchase. Some idea of the size of the base may be conveyed by the fact it is said by the Pentagon to contain 654 buildings.

In a related article about Diego Garcia, Vine has written: "With support for the Chagossians' struggle growing in both the United States and Britain at the same time that revelations about a secret CIA prison are spreading, the United States must finally act to remedy the damage done by another Guantánamo damaging too many lives and undermining its international legitimacy. The United States must allow the Chagossians to return and assist Britain in paying them proper compensation; the United States must close the detention facilities and open Diego Garcia to international investigators; the United States must end the painful irony that is a base the military calls the 'Footprint of Freedom.'"

Sherwood Ross is a media consultant to the Massachusetts School of Law at Andover. Reach him at sherwoodross10@gmail.com


WikiLeaks CableGate disclosures (2010)

According to Wikileaks CableGate documents (reference ID "09LONDON1156"), in a calculated move planned in 2009, the UK proposed that the BIOT become a "marine reserve" with the aim of preventing the former inhabitants from returning to their lands. A summary of the diplomatic cable is as follows:

HMG would like to establish a "marine park" or "reserve" providing comprehensive environmental protection to the reefs and waters of the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT), a senior Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) official informed Polcouns on May 12. The official insisted that the establishment of a marine park--the world's largest--would in no way impinge on USG use of the BIOT, including Diego Garcia, for military purposes. He agreed that the UK and United States should carefully negotiate the details of the marine reserve to assure that United States interests were safeguarded and the strategic value of BIOT was upheld. He said that the BIOT's former inhabitants would find it difficult, if not impossible, to pursue their claim for resettlement on the islands if the entire Chagos Archipelago were a marine reserve.

Additionally, Diego Garcia was used as a storage section for U.S. cluster bombs as a way of avoiding UK parliamentary oversight.

2. On 30 December 1966, the United States and the UK executed an agreement through an Exchange of Notes which permits the United States to use the BIOT for defense purposes for 50 years (through December 2016), followed by a 20-year optional extension (to 2036) to which both parties must agree by December 2014.[22] No monetary payment was made from the United States to the UK as part of this agreement or any subsequent amendment. Rather, the United Kingdom received a US$14 million discount from the United States on the acquisition of submarine-launched ballistic missile system Polaris missiles per a now-declassified addendum to the 1966 agreement.


Related - Did MA-370 Passenger send a message from Diego Garcia?

Diego Garcia Theft Epitomizes Government Evil

April 8, 2014
  (Left, This 12-min CNN documentary tells the story. Who is capable of such evil? Satanists.)

Who would steal an airliner, and imprison or kill its 239 passengers and crew?
The same people who stole the island where the airliner is probably hidden.
In 1970, 2000 islanders were forcibly deported to make way for a US air force base.
Although the base is worth billions, the natives didn't get a cent for their homes, possessions and way of life. They live in destitution in Mauritius and the Seychelles. They weren't even opposed to the base.
All they wanted was jobs working there.  Instead the US imported 3000 Filipinos. Talk about

The US government was afraid 450 fishermen and their families might make a claim. No wonder, our Masonic-run governments make us puke.

by Sherwood Ross
Islanders Forcibly Deported

(Abridged by henrymakow.com)

In order to convert the sleepy, Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia into a dominating military base, the U.S. forcibly transported its 2,000 Chagossian inhabitants into exile and gassed their dogs. [The were allowed to take their clothes- nothing else.]

By banning journalists from the area, the U.S. Navy was able to perpetrate this with virtually no press coverage, says David Vine, an assistant professor of anthropology at American University and author of "Island of Shame: the Secret History of the U.S. Military on Diego Garcia" (Princeton University Press).

"The Chagossians were put on a boat and taken to Mauritius and the Seychelles, 1,200 miles away, where they were left on the docks, with no money and no housing, to fend for themselves," Vine said on the interview show "Books Of Our Time," sponsored by the Massachusetts School of Law at Andover.

courtdg.jpg(left, in 2002 the natives sued the UK government and won, but the Masonic court system awarded them no compensation)
"They were promised jobs that never materialized. They had been living on an island with schools, hospitals, and full employment, sort of like a French coastal village, and they were consigned to a life of abject poverty in exile, unemployment, health problems, and were the poorest of the poor," Vine told interview host Lawrence Velvel, dean of the law school.

Their pet dogs were rounded up and gassed, and their bodies burned, before the very eyes of their traumatized owners, Vine said.

"They were moved because they were few in number and not white," Vine added. The U.S. government circulated the fiction the Chagossians were transient contract workers that had taken up residence only recently but, in fact, they had been living on Diego Garcia since about the time of the American Revolution. Merchants had imported them to work on the coconut and copra plantations. Vine said the U.S. government induced The Washington Post not to break a story spelling out events on the island...

Although the Chagossians were forcibly removed in 1971, they still hope to return, Vine says, and refer to their period of exile as one of "profound sorrow." Vine says they would be happy to live on the unused eastern portion of the island and work at the base but the U.S. instead "imports contract labor from other areas so they can send them home when the job is done." The island's exiled survivors and their descendants today number about 5,000.

Long off limits to reporters, the Red Cross, and all other international observers and far more secretive than Guantánamo Bay, many long suspected the island was a clandestine CIA "black site" for high-profile detainees, Vine wrote in a related article. Journalist Stephen Grey's 2006 book "Ghost Plane" documented the presence on the island of a CIA-chartered plane used for rendition flights. On two occasions former U.S. Army General Barry McCaffrey publicly named Diego Garcia as a detention facility. And a Council of Europe report named the atoll, along with those in Poland and Romania, as a secret prison.

The island became "a major launch pad" for the U.S. attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq, Vine said. In addition to its capacious harbor, the island readily supports some of the largest U.S. warplanes, including Air Force B-52s, B-1Bs and B-2s. Two years ago, the Pentagon awarded a $32 million contract to add a submarine base to the island's arsenal.

dg.jpgDiego Garcia had been a British possession until 1966, when London allowed the U.S. to use it as a military base in exchange for cancelling a $14-million British debt for a military hardware purchase. Some idea of the size of the base may be conveyed by the fact it is said by the Pentagon to contain 654 buildings.

In a related article about Diego Garcia, Vine has written: "With support for the Chagossians' struggle growing in both the United States and Britain at the same time that revelations about a secret CIA prison are spreading, the United States must finally act to remedy the damage done by another Guantánamo damaging too many lives and undermining its international legitimacy. The United States must allow the Chagossians to return and assist Britain in paying them proper compensation; the United States must close the detention facilities and open Diego Garcia to international investigators; the United States must end the painful irony that is a base the military calls the 'Footprint of Freedom.'"

Sherwood Ross is a media consultant to the Massachusetts School of Law at Andover. Reach him at sherwoodross10@gmail.com

WikiLeaks CableGate disclosures (2010)

According to Wikileaks CableGate documents (reference ID "09LONDON1156"), in a calculated move planned in 2009, the UK proposed that the BIOT become a "marine reserve" with the aim of preventing the former inhabitants from returning to their lands. A summary of the diplomatic cable is as follows:

mapdg.jpg    HMG would like to establish a "marine park" or "reserve" providing comprehensive environmental protection to the reefs and waters of the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT), a senior Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) official informed Polcouns on May 12. The official insisted that the establishment of a marine park--the world's largest--would in no way impinge on USG use of the BIOT, including Diego Garcia, for military purposes. He agreed that the UK and United States should carefully negotiate the details of the marine reserve to assure that United States interests were safeguarded and the strategic value of BIOT was upheld. He said that the BIOT's former inhabitants would find it difficult, if not impossible, to pursue their claim for resettlement on the islands if the entire Chagos Archipelago were a marine reserve.

Additionally, Diego Garcia was used as a storage section for U.S. cluster bombs as a way of avoiding UK parliamentary oversight.

2. On 30 December 1966, the United States and the UK executed an agreement through an Exchange of Notes which permits the United States to use the BIOT for defense purposes for 50 years (through December 2016), followed by a 20-year optional extension (to 2036) to which both parties must agree by December 2014.[22] No monetary payment was made from the United States to the UK as part of this agreement or any subsequent amendment. Rather, the United Kingdom received a US$14 million discount from the United States on the acquisition of submarine-launched ballistic missile system Polaris missiles per a now-declassified addendum to the 1966 agreement.


Related - Did MA-370 Passenger send a message from Diego Garcia?
- See more at: http://henrymakow.com/2014/04/Diego-Garcia-Theft-Epitomizes-Government-Evil%20.html#sthash.IYtbqiVv.dpuf

Diego Garcia Theft Epitomizes Government Evil

April 8, 2014
  (Left, This 12-min CNN documentary tells the story. Who is capable of such evil? Satanists.)

Who would steal an airliner, and imprison or kill its 239 passengers and crew?
The same people who stole the island where the airliner is probably hidden.
In 1970, 2000 islanders were forcibly deported to make way for a US air force base.
Although the base is worth billions, the natives didn't get a cent for their homes, possessions and way of life. They live in destitution in Mauritius and the Seychelles. They weren't even opposed to the base.
All they wanted was jobs working there.  Instead the US imported 3000 Filipinos. Talk about

The US government was afraid 450 fishermen and their families might make a claim. No wonder, our Masonic-run governments make us puke.

by Sherwood Ross
Islanders Forcibly Deported

(Abridged by henrymakow.com)

In order to convert the sleepy, Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia into a dominating military base, the U.S. forcibly transported its 2,000 Chagossian inhabitants into exile and gassed their dogs. [The were allowed to take their clothes- nothing else.]

By banning journalists from the area, the U.S. Navy was able to perpetrate this with virtually no press coverage, says David Vine, an assistant professor of anthropology at American University and author of "Island of Shame: the Secret History of the U.S. Military on Diego Garcia" (Princeton University Press).

"The Chagossians were put on a boat and taken to Mauritius and the Seychelles, 1,200 miles away, where they were left on the docks, with no money and no housing, to fend for themselves," Vine said on the interview show "Books Of Our Time," sponsored by the Massachusetts School of Law at Andover.

courtdg.jpg(left, in 2002 the natives sued the UK government and won, but the Masonic court system awarded them no compensation)
"They were promised jobs that never materialized. They had been living on an island with schools, hospitals, and full employment, sort of like a French coastal village, and they were consigned to a life of abject poverty in exile, unemployment, health problems, and were the poorest of the poor," Vine told interview host Lawrence Velvel, dean of the law school.

Their pet dogs were rounded up and gassed, and their bodies burned, before the very eyes of their traumatized owners, Vine said.

"They were moved because they were few in number and not white," Vine added. The U.S. government circulated the fiction the Chagossians were transient contract workers that had taken up residence only recently but, in fact, they had been living on Diego Garcia since about the time of the American Revolution. Merchants had imported them to work on the coconut and copra plantations. Vine said the U.S. government induced The Washington Post not to break a story spelling out events on the island...

Although the Chagossians were forcibly removed in 1971, they still hope to return, Vine says, and refer to their period of exile as one of "profound sorrow." Vine says they would be happy to live on the unused eastern portion of the island and work at the base but the U.S. instead "imports contract labor from other areas so they can send them home when the job is done." The island's exiled survivors and their descendants today number about 5,000.

Long off limits to reporters, the Red Cross, and all other international observers and far more secretive than Guantánamo Bay, many long suspected the island was a clandestine CIA "black site" for high-profile detainees, Vine wrote in a related article. Journalist Stephen Grey's 2006 book "Ghost Plane" documented the presence on the island of a CIA-chartered plane used for rendition flights. On two occasions former U.S. Army General Barry McCaffrey publicly named Diego Garcia as a detention facility. And a Council of Europe report named the atoll, along with those in Poland and Romania, as a secret prison.

The island became "a major launch pad" for the U.S. attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq, Vine said. In addition to its capacious harbor, the island readily supports some of the largest U.S. warplanes, including Air Force B-52s, B-1Bs and B-2s. Two years ago, the Pentagon awarded a $32 million contract to add a submarine base to the island's arsenal.

dg.jpgDiego Garcia had been a British possession until 1966, when London allowed the U.S. to use it as a military base in exchange for cancelling a $14-million British debt for a military hardware purchase. Some idea of the size of the base may be conveyed by the fact it is said by the Pentagon to contain 654 buildings.

In a related article about Diego Garcia, Vine has written: "With support for the Chagossians' struggle growing in both the United States and Britain at the same time that revelations about a secret CIA prison are spreading, the United States must finally act to remedy the damage done by another Guantánamo damaging too many lives and undermining its international legitimacy. The United States must allow the Chagossians to return and assist Britain in paying them proper compensation; the United States must close the detention facilities and open Diego Garcia to international investigators; the United States must end the painful irony that is a base the military calls the 'Footprint of Freedom.'"

Sherwood Ross is a media consultant to the Massachusetts School of Law at Andover. Reach him at sherwoodross10@gmail.com

WikiLeaks CableGate disclosures (2010)

According to Wikileaks CableGate documents (reference ID "09LONDON1156"), in a calculated move planned in 2009, the UK proposed that the BIOT become a "marine reserve" with the aim of preventing the former inhabitants from returning to their lands. A summary of the diplomatic cable is as follows:

mapdg.jpg    HMG would like to establish a "marine park" or "reserve" providing comprehensive environmental protection to the reefs and waters of the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT), a senior Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) official informed Polcouns on May 12. The official insisted that the establishment of a marine park--the world's largest--would in no way impinge on USG use of the BIOT, including Diego Garcia, for military purposes. He agreed that the UK and United States should carefully negotiate the details of the marine reserve to assure that United States interests were safeguarded and the strategic value of BIOT was upheld. He said that the BIOT's former inhabitants would find it difficult, if not impossible, to pursue their claim for resettlement on the islands if the entire Chagos Archipelago were a marine reserve.

Additionally, Diego Garcia was used as a storage section for U.S. cluster bombs as a way of avoiding UK parliamentary oversight.

2. On 30 December 1966, the United States and the UK executed an agreement through an Exchange of Notes which permits the United States to use the BIOT for defense purposes for 50 years (through December 2016), followed by a 20-year optional extension (to 2036) to which both parties must agree by December 2014.[22] No monetary payment was made from the United States to the UK as part of this agreement or any subsequent amendment. Rather, the United Kingdom received a US$14 million discount from the United States on the acquisition of submarine-launched ballistic missile system Polaris missiles per a now-declassified addendum to the 1966 agreement.


Related - Did MA-370 Passenger send a message from Diego Garcia?
- See more at: http://henrymakow.com/2014/04/Diego-Garcia-Theft-Epitomizes-Government-Evil%20.html#sthash.IYtbqiVv.dpuf

Diego Garcia Theft Epitomizes Government Evil

April 8, 2014
  (Left, This 12-min CNN documentary tells the story. Who is capable of such evil? Satanists.)

Who would steal an airliner, and imprison or kill its 239 passengers and crew?
The same people who stole the island where the airliner is probably hidden.
In 1970, 2000 islanders were forcibly deported to make way for a US air force base.
Although the base is worth billions, the natives didn't get a cent for their homes, possessions and way of life. They live in destitution in Mauritius and the Seychelles. They weren't even opposed to the base.
All they wanted was jobs working there.  Instead the US imported 3000 Filipinos. Talk about

The US government was afraid 450 fishermen and their families might make a claim. No wonder, our Masonic-run governments make us puke.

by Sherwood Ross
Islanders Forcibly Deported

(Abridged by henrymakow.com)

In order to convert the sleepy, Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia into a dominating military base, the U.S. forcibly transported its 2,000 Chagossian inhabitants into exile and gassed their dogs. [The were allowed to take their clothes- nothing else.]

By banning journalists from the area, the U.S. Navy was able to perpetrate this with virtually no press coverage, says David Vine, an assistant professor of anthropology at American University and author of "Island of Shame: the Secret History of the U.S. Military on Diego Garcia" (Princeton University Press).

"The Chagossians were put on a boat and taken to Mauritius and the Seychelles, 1,200 miles away, where they were left on the docks, with no money and no housing, to fend for themselves," Vine said on the interview show "Books Of Our Time," sponsored by the Massachusetts School of Law at Andover.

courtdg.jpg(left, in 2002 the natives sued the UK government and won, but the Masonic court system awarded them no compensation)
"They were promised jobs that never materialized. They had been living on an island with schools, hospitals, and full employment, sort of like a French coastal village, and they were consigned to a life of abject poverty in exile, unemployment, health problems, and were the poorest of the poor," Vine told interview host Lawrence Velvel, dean of the law school.

Their pet dogs were rounded up and gassed, and their bodies burned, before the very eyes of their traumatized owners, Vine said.

"They were moved because they were few in number and not white," Vine added. The U.S. government circulated the fiction the Chagossians were transient contract workers that had taken up residence only recently but, in fact, they had been living on Diego Garcia since about the time of the American Revolution. Merchants had imported them to work on the coconut and copra plantations. Vine said the U.S. government induced The Washington Post not to break a story spelling out events on the island...

Although the Chagossians were forcibly removed in 1971, they still hope to return, Vine says, and refer to their period of exile as one of "profound sorrow." Vine says they would be happy to live on the unused eastern portion of the island and work at the base but the U.S. instead "imports contract labor from other areas so they can send them home when the job is done." The island's exiled survivors and their descendants today number about 5,000.

Long off limits to reporters, the Red Cross, and all other international observers and far more secretive than Guantánamo Bay, many long suspected the island was a clandestine CIA "black site" for high-profile detainees, Vine wrote in a related article. Journalist Stephen Grey's 2006 book "Ghost Plane" documented the presence on the island of a CIA-chartered plane used for rendition flights. On two occasions former U.S. Army General Barry McCaffrey publicly named Diego Garcia as a detention facility. And a Council of Europe report named the atoll, along with those in Poland and Romania, as a secret prison.

The island became "a major launch pad" for the U.S. attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq, Vine said. In addition to its capacious harbor, the island readily supports some of the largest U.S. warplanes, including Air Force B-52s, B-1Bs and B-2s. Two years ago, the Pentagon awarded a $32 million contract to add a submarine base to the island's arsenal.

dg.jpgDiego Garcia had been a British possession until 1966, when London allowed the U.S. to use it as a military base in exchange for cancelling a $14-million British debt for a military hardware purchase. Some idea of the size of the base may be conveyed by the fact it is said by the Pentagon to contain 654 buildings.

In a related article about Diego Garcia, Vine has written: "With support for the Chagossians' struggle growing in both the United States and Britain at the same time that revelations about a secret CIA prison are spreading, the United States must finally act to remedy the damage done by another Guantánamo damaging too many lives and undermining its international legitimacy. The United States must allow the Chagossians to return and assist Britain in paying them proper compensation; the United States must close the detention facilities and open Diego Garcia to international investigators; the United States must end the painful irony that is a base the military calls the 'Footprint of Freedom.'"

Sherwood Ross is a media consultant to the Massachusetts School of Law at Andover. Reach him at sherwoodross10@gmail.com

WikiLeaks CableGate disclosures (2010)

According to Wikileaks CableGate documents (reference ID "09LONDON1156"), in a calculated move planned in 2009, the UK proposed that the BIOT become a "marine reserve" with the aim of preventing the former inhabitants from returning to their lands. A summary of the diplomatic cable is as follows:

mapdg.jpg    HMG would like to establish a "marine park" or "reserve" providing comprehensive environmental protection to the reefs and waters of the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT), a senior Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) official informed Polcouns on May 12. The official insisted that the establishment of a marine park--the world's largest--would in no way impinge on USG use of the BIOT, including Diego Garcia, for military purposes. He agreed that the UK and United States should carefully negotiate the details of the marine reserve to assure that United States interests were safeguarded and the strategic value of BIOT was upheld. He said that the BIOT's former inhabitants would find it difficult, if not impossible, to pursue their claim for resettlement on the islands if the entire Chagos Archipelago were a marine reserve.

Additionally, Diego Garcia was used as a storage section for U.S. cluster bombs as a way of avoiding UK parliamentary oversight.

2. On 30 December 1966, the United States and the UK executed an agreement through an Exchange of Notes which permits the United States to use the BIOT for defense purposes for 50 years (through December 2016), followed by a 20-year optional extension (to 2036) to which both parties must agree by December 2014.[22] No monetary payment was made from the United States to the UK as part of this agreement or any subsequent amendment. Rather, the United Kingdom received a US$14 million discount from the United States on the acquisition of submarine-launched ballistic missile system Polaris missiles per a now-declassified addendum to the 1966 agreement.


Related - Did MA-370 Passenger send a message from Diego Garcia?
- See more at: http://henrymakow.com/2014/04/Diego-Garcia-Theft-Epitomizes-Government-Evil%20.html#sthash.IYtbqiVv.dpuf
Freelance journalist: ‘Hijacked flight 370 passenger sent photo from hidden iPhone tracing back to secret U.S. military base Diego Garcia’
Are passenger Phillip Wood and others still alive after flight 370 was hijacked then taken to a secret U.S. military base located on a remote island in the Indian Ocean?

By Shepard Ambellas
INDIAN OCEAN (INTELLIHUB) — According to freelance journalist Jim Stone, one of the American passengers, Phillip Wood, a technical storage executive at IBM, who was aboard the now missing Malaysian Airlines flight, keystered his iPhone 5 in his anus after the Boeing 777 carrying 239 people was hijacked by military personnel while on route to China.
Amazingly, Stone claims that metadata within the photo yields evidence confirming “100 percent” that Phillip Wood sent the photo, along with a brief voice activated text, from GPS coordinates which put Wood only a few miles away from the U.S. controlled Diego Garcia military base which is located on an island south of the Maldives in the Indian Ocean. In his post Stone claims that the coordinates may be off by a few miles (see update below post), proving that the iPhone actually sent the otherwise blank black picture revealing nothing else. Stone speculates the picture was taken in a dark room or in some position in which Wood’s hands were bound.

As reported by Stone, the picture was posted along with the following text allegedly from Wood:
“I have been held hostage by unknown military personal after my flight was hijacked (blindfolded). I work for IBM and I have managed to hide my cellphone in my ass during the hijack. I have been separated from the rest of the passengers and I am in a cell. My name is Philip Wood. I think I have been drugged as well and cannot think clearly.”
Strangely the blank black image labeled “1395192158752.jpg” contains the following metadata:
Dimensions: 240 x 320
Device Make: Apple
Device Model: iPhone 5
Color Space: RGB
Color Profile: sRGB IEC61966-2.1
Focal Length: 4.12
Alpha Channel: No
Red Eye: No
F Number: 2.4
Exposure Program: 2
Exposure Time: 1/15
Stone also points out in detail how the above Exchangeable Image Format (EXIF) image data is the “smoking gun”, writing:
The Exif is intact. Exif data gets embedded in every image by every camera and includes the circumstances under which the photo was taken. It can be viewed by saving the image to your desktop, and then right clicking it and selecting image properties. Hit the details tab. You can see that the image was taken on March 18 with an iPhone 5, with the ISO at 3200 and a shutter of 1/15. The coordinates are included in the exif data because the iPhone knows where it is, and the coordinates are for Diego Garcia. THE FIRST TIME A BLANK PHOTO SAID IT ALL.
Exif can’t be rewritten with common software, it can only be added to in fields such as image credits with some advanced applications. It can be erased as well but NOT CHANGED. Photos with the exif intact will hold up in court. If the Exif is hacked and this is not real, the CIA or a really good hacker did this, which I doubt, I’d say it’s probably real.
Another smoking gun is that the voice recognition software put the word personal instead of personnel. This is completely consistent with a blind software assisted dial out.
Surrounding this story is the fact that the man who managed to get this information to Farganne (forum member Glitch) was harassed and received many threatening voice mails over it, that is another piece of evidence pointing to this as being real. One thing is certain, once it’s posted here on this site the genie is OUT OF THE BOTTLE. I cannot stress how important it is that the GPS coordinates in the photo do not perfectly match what Google says and are not posted anywhere on the web, because it proves that the source of those coordinates did not come from google or Wikipedia, they really did come from the imaging device and it HAD TO be at Diego Garcia when it took the photo.

Interestingly, 7-days ago, on March 24, 2014 at 2:30 AM EDT, it was reported by Intellihub News that flight 370 landed at Diego Garcia, a secret U.S. military base leased from the EU, during the early morning hours of March 8, 2014 after a YouTuber by the name of Montagraph put two-and-two together following other reports.
An excerpt from the article reads:
“[...] MH370 most likely landed at Diego Garcia and the plane may have been ushered into a massive “Faraday cage” style hangar to avoid passengers from communicating with the outside world.”
Surprisingly, this all dovetails with a Malaysian Insider report released on Mar. 18 titled “US military base, South Asian airports in MH370 pilot’s simulator, says paper“, as the pilot of MH370 was found to have had scale simulations of Diego Garcia in his home flight simulator.
An except from the Malaysian Insider reads:
Investigations into the flight simulator taken from the missing pilot’s home showed a software for five practice runways, including one belonging to the United States, Berita Harian reported today.

“Among the software we checked so far is the Male International Airport in Maldives, three airports in India and Sri Lanka, and one belonging to the US military base in Diego Garcia. All have a runway length of 1,000 metres,” a source told the Malay daily.

Police seized the flight simulator from pilot Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah’s house last Saturday before reassembling it at the federal police headquarters in Bukit Aman, where experts were conducting checks.
If anyone has anymore information on this matter we urge you contact us at Intellihub News right away.
Update 2:49 PM EST
The following information was posted as a tip on Steve Quayle’s website:
Hi Steve,
Re: the black/blank photo from the IBM tech on the lost Malaysian jet. The photo was taken inside a building just off the runways at Diego Garcia. I put the photo into my editing software, grabbed the GPS point and here it is. Try this: go to: itouchmap.com , choose #6, go to the bottom right box and input the info:
-7 18 58.3 LATITUDE
72 25 35.6 LONGITUDE
Click on: SHOW POINT
Zoom in and you will see where the photo originated. Wow. You’ll probably recognize the heavy aircraft parked nearby.
Image Via itouchmap.com:
(Featured photo at top of page: Wikimedia Commons)
Intellihub’s exclusive MH370 Coverage:
Rothschild owned Blackstone Group benefits from missing flight 370, becoming primary patent holder of new technology, reports say
Partner of MH370 passenger acuses governments of cover up on BBC
Full manifest: Flight 370 — As released by Malaysian authorities
15 questions about flight MH370 that the media isn’t asking
YouTube Investigator: ‘Flight 370 landed at Diego Garcia military base, plane and passengers then put in a Faraday style hangar’
Malaysia says there is sealed MH370 “evidence” that cannot be made public

Full Transcript: MH370′s radio transmissions before it went dark
Why was the Malaysian MH370 flight not detected by the Diego Garcia US Naval and Intelligence Base in the Indian Ocean?
Failure to find Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 sparks Chinese consideration to surveil the world.
In this bizarre case of the missing Malaysian airliner, one plus one is starting to equal two.
New information, fact-checked by the respected Intellihub News website may shed some light on the missing Malaysian Airlines flight which was recently reported by Malaysian officials to have ended tragically in the Indian Ocean despite the lack of physical evidence.
While the disappearance of MH370 which had 239 people aboard is tragic, new bombshell information reveals that a Texas-based technology giant, Freescale Semiconductor Ltd., may have benefited in some way from the missing airliner which was reported to have been carrying 20 of Freescale’s employees. Although it’s obvious the loss of human life likely saddened employees and co-workers of Freescale, the possibility still remains that higher-ups in the corporation may have benefitted from the event.
rothschilds control the world
“Freescale previously confirmed that the 20 employees — 12 from Malaysia and eight from China — were among 239 people on flight MH370. The company has not released the names of those employees, and again declined to do so on Monday.”, as reported by Brian Gaar, the American Statesman, Mar. 24.

It has also been mentioned in a statement by a company spokesperson that the employees who were aboard MH370, were extremely talented and valuable in the technological field.
Ultra-small Microcontoller
In February 2013, Freescale unveiled the Kinesis KL02, the world’s smallest microcontroller, measuring 1.9 mm by 2mm and containing RAM, ROM and a clock. The company brags that the device is so small that it can be swallowed for medical uses, such as releasing drugs according to prescription schedule or directing micro-surgery.
Tiny though it may be, the micro-controller is the key to next-generation warfare based on self-guidance, tactical versatility and hierarchy of commands, in short, an adaptive thinking weapon that can outsmart foes. Potential applications include:
Drones smaller than a fly, either as remotes or autonomously, on surveillance missions or to deliver biowarfare packets, for example, lab-cloned viruses or toxic drugs. Their light weight means longer flying periods or even indefinite hovering time if solar-powered.
Injectable implants to insert a human-machine interface, for example, a targeting system attached to the optic nerve, rendering Google glasses obsolete. Bionic implants could be implanted in nerves of the limbs to control battery-powered prosthetics, realizing the Pentagon’s dream of a human-centered robotic warrior, known to anime fans as “meka”.
Maneuverable micro-satellites and mini-submarines that can be operated as drones or act independently to track and hunt larger weapons systems, spy satellites too small to be detected by ground telescopes, and orbiting warheads containing chemical, biological or nuclear materials.
Freescale Semiconductor Ltd. is primarily owned by the Blackstone Group, i.e. Lord Jacob Rothschild, the same group responsible for spraying the highly-toxic Corexit 500A into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico in the months following the BP oil spill as reported early on by Intelihub News. Shockingly, we also see the Carlyle Group listed as a secondary investor adding another layer of suspicion for investigators.
It is reported that the chip in this case, the chip whose patent Rothschilds now may have sole ownership and control of, would allow more drops than previously to be placed on microchip wafers. potentially bringing chips closer to nano levels.

One very good reason for getting rid of notoriously untrustworthy Chinese developers who, as with Asians or Jews, invariably remain faithful to their country of origin or allegiance more than their country of birth or residence. The convenient end to the lives of these technicians denies China groundbreaking military-applications technology that would have very likely been privatly leaked or sold to them and widely pirated by China for military and commercial purposes.
The official entry listed under Freescale Semiconductor’s “financials” section on Wikipedia states:
On September 15, 2006, Freescale agreed to a $17.6 billion buyout by a consortium led by Blackstone Group and its co-investors, Carlyle Group, TPG Capital, and Permira. The buyout offer was accepted on November 13, 2006 following a vote by company shareholders. The purchase, which closed on December 1, 2006, was the largest private buyout of a technology company until the Dell buyout of 2013 and is one of the ten largest buyouts of all time.
As a journalist, I have to point out the vast amount of monies invested into this technology firm. It’s not like $17.9B is a drop in the bucket by any means, likely signifying the true importance of this corporation. I also have to question why so many Freescale employees were on the same flight at the same time, as four of them were reported by several sources to have been U.S. patent holders of a new technology with wider military applications. This would likely have been a breach of protocol, but at the least a costly oversight.
In fact it’s been reported that Peid Ong Wang, Suzhou, Zhijun Chen, Suzhou, Zhihong Cheng, Suzhou and Li Ying, Suzhou, Freescale employees from China who were said to have been onboard flight 370, were each 20% holders of U.S. Patent #US008671381B1. Shockingly, the remaining 20% has been reported to be held by Freescale Semiconductor Ltd., which now after the disappearance of flight 370 becomes the sole patent holder. In laymen’s terms, Lord Jacob Rothschild is now the patent holder by virtue of invested interest into Freescale Semiconductor Ltd.
The Malaysian government has acquired rights to chips that can embed identity tags into cash, passports or even human bodies. The chip can replace barcode tags in retail goods, and can be inserted into the human body, animals, bullets, credit cards and other items for verification purposes, said the report.
The made-in-Malaysia microchip measuring 0.5 mm X 0.5 mm – the size of a decimal point – uses the radio frequency identification (RFID) chip technology.
To bring things further into perspective, putting the icing on the cake, the Rothschild dynasty owns the Malaysian Central Bank which in-turn is heavily invested into the Malaysian government and Malaysian Airlines.
Need I say more?
Writer Bio:
Ambellas, Shepard – Bio IconShepard Ambellas is the founder and editor-in-chief of Intellihub News and the maker of SHADE the Motion Picture. You can also find him on Twitter and Facebook. Shepard also appears on the Travel Channel series America Declassified.
For media inquires, interviews, questions or suggestions for this author, email: shepard@intellihub.com or telephone: (347) 759-6075.
Visit Shepard’s blog here.
Financial Collapse: Post-Western Destruction: China The Next Jewish Superpower:

Indian Economy Is Finished! Another Rape Victim Of The Jewish Banksters.
Billions Stolen From Libya By Rothschilds:

Senin, 24/03/2014 11:35 WIB

Pasca Temuan Prancis, Pencarian MH370 di Samudera Hindia Bergeser ke Utara

Novi Christiastuti Adiputri - detikNews

Area pencarian untuk 24 Maret 2014 (AMSA/ABCNews)
Perth - Area pencarian obyek yang diduga terkait pesawat Malaysia Airlines (MAS) MH370 di Samudera Hindia sedikit diperluas dan agak digeser ke utara. Hal ini setelah adanya informasi baru dari Prancis mengenai obyek mengapung diduga MH370 yang berjarak 850 kilometer dari area pencarian awal.

Berbicara kepada Radio National dan dilansir The Star, Senin (24/3/2014), Wakil Perdana Menteri Australia Warren Truss menuturkan bahwa area pencarian di koridor selatan diperluas hingga wilayah perairan mencakup seluas 68 ribu kilometer. Ada dua area utama yang menjadi fokus pencarian. Koridor selatan mencakup wilayah Samudera Hindia bagian selatan.

"Tentu saja area di mana puing-puing tertangkap satelit menjadi kepentingan tertentu, dan itu menjadi fokus sebagian besar pencarian. Temuan Prancis merupakan material baru karena berada di lokasi yang sangat berbeda. Lokasinya sekitar 850 kilometer sebelah utara area pencarian kami sekarang," ujar Truss.

"Jadi, kami perlu memeriksanya dengan baik," imbuhnya.

Foto obyek mengapung diduga MH370 yang ditangkap otoritas Prancis pertama diungkapkan oleh Pelaksana Tugas Menteri Transportasi Malaysia Hishammuddin Hussein. Hishhammudin kemudian mengutarakan bahwa foto tersebut diteruskan kepada otoritas Australia untuk dianalisis.

"Kita masih belum mengetahui pasti apakah pesawat tersebut (MH370) memang ada di area ini. Kita hanya berusaha memegang informasi sekecil apapun yang kami terima untuk membantu mencari dan menemukan lokasi yang mungkin bisa menjadi konsentrasi pencarian ini," tegas Truss.

Area pencarian awal di koridor selatan berada pada lokasi sejauh 2.500 kilometer barat daya Perth, Australia. Area tersebut didasarkan pada foto tiga obyek mengapung yang tertangkap satelit AS dan juga satelit China.

Satelit AS menangkap dua obyek mengapung berukuran 24 meter dan 5 meter pada 16 Maret lalu. Sedangkan satelit China menangkap sebuah obyek mengapung dengan ukuran panjang 22 meter dan lebar 13 meter di lokasi perairan yang sama pada 18 Maret. Namun obyek tersebut berjarak 120 km sebelah barat daya dua obyek temuan satelit AS.

Ikuti berbagai berita menarik yang terjadi hari ini di program "Reportase Sore" TRANS TV yang tayang Senin sampai Jumat pukul 15.15 WIB


Ada 20 Teknisi Radar Militer di MH370, Teori Konspirasi Kembali Mencuat

Rachmadin Ismail - detikNews 
London - Data baru soal penumpang Malaysia Airlines MH370 muncul. Diketahui ada 20 orang staf senior Freescale Semiconductor, perusahaan asal Amerika Serikat (AS) yang bergerak di bidang telekomunikasi dan gadget untuk radar militer.

Diberitakan Express.co.uk, Senin (24/3/2014), perusahaan itu rupanya baru saja meluncurkan peralatan elektronik baru untuk sistem radar militer sebelum pesawat Boeing 777-200ER MAS menghilang. Peluncuran itu digelar di Amerika Serikat pada 3 Maret 2014.

Dari 20 orang, 12 di antaranya adalah berasal dari Malaysia, sisanya dari China. "Mereka adalah orang-orang dengan latar belakang teknis yang berpengalaman dan mereka orang-orang penting," kata juru bicara Freescale, Mitch Haws.

"Ini adalah kehilangan yang besar bagi perusahaan," sambungnya.

Di antara para pemegang saham Freescale adalah Carlyle Group, sebuah perusahaan investasi swasta yang pernah dinaungi oleh mantan presiden AS George Bush Sr dan mantan perdana menteri Inggris John Major. Carlyle juga pernah memiliki klien top, termasuk Binladin Group, sebuah perusahaan konstruksi yang dimiliki keluarga Osama bin Laden.

Spekulasi liar soal keberadaan 20 staf ini dan kemungkinan pembajakan di MH370 pun bermunculan. Terutama karena pesawat itu tak terdeteksi radar selama terbang berjam-jam ke arah Samudera Hindia. Apalagi Freescale sedang aktif mengembangkan chips untuk radar militer.

Dalam situs resmi Freescale, pernah muncul iklan lowongan untuk mereka yang tahu banyak soal 'penerbangan, radar, komunikasi, panduan misil, peralatan elektronik dan identifikasi teman atau musuh'.

Saat ditanya soal spekulasi ini, Freescale tak mau menjawab, termasuk kemungkinan di antara para staf itu pernah menggarap produk militer

Ikuti berbagai berita menarik yang terjadi hari ini di program "Reportase Sore" TRANS TV yang tayang Senin sampai Jumat pukul 15.15 WIB


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